Monday 9th March 2020. Following the outbreak of Coronavirus Desease 19 COVID-19 started in Wuhan, China and after some initials measures around 21 February to isolate the first epicentre in northern area of the country, Italy is the first western country to impose a nationwide lockdown. 62 millions of citizens must stay at home to stop the spread of the new coronavirus. Italy is the hearth of the outbreak in Europe with more than 60,000 confirmed cases and over 9,000 deaths so far. The ban, with the exception of grocery stores, pharmacies and public services as transports, is expected to remain in place until April 3, although it may be extended. Erika, 43 years old works in the public sector. She lives in Rome with her son Lorenzo, who is 12 years old. She stopped going to work on Monday 9th March, the first day of nationwide lockdown. Her family, her mother, her siblings with their children live in Lombardia, the region most affected by Covid19, isolated two weeks before the lockdown. At the moment Erika cannot know when she will be able to go to her house and meet her relatives. Lorenzo attends the first year of the secondary school and he’s at home since Thursday 5th March 2020 when all the school of the all levels were closed in Italy.